The PolicyWorks and Iowa Credit Union League teams had the privilege to travel to CUNA's Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC) in Washington D.C.!
There was a total of 60 Iowa credit union people in attendance to learn about and advocate for credit union issues. The highlight of the trip was the Capitol Hill visits where credit union employees and board members had the opportunity to meet with all six Iowa congressional leaders.
In each meeting, the team discussed the legislation that would impact the financial lives of their constituency. Credit union folks had the opportunity to share their member stories about the day-to-day ways they are making an impact on their members' lives.
Our Advocacy Coordinator, Brittany Freeman, stated "as a first time GAC attendee myself, this was the most inspiring part of the trip. The dedication that our Iowa credit unions have for their work never ceases to amaze me, and this passion was on full display as they talked with their elected officials. Though our time in D.C. went by quickly, the work continues here statewide. Our advocacy directly connects back to our people helping people philosophy and continues to motivate the work we are doing in Iowa."