Who We Are
In 2006, PolicyWorks was launched with the vision of creating a “one stop advocacy shop” for businesses and organizations needing professional lobbying, public affairs or grassroots assistance. Since then, we’ve been fortunate to grow our team of professionals and partner with a wide range of organizations—all while doing work we care about, with people we like.
Whether you need to shape public opinion, advocate to policymakers, or influence the media, we can help you develop effective campaigns through our lobbying and public relations services. Most importantly, you can expect responsive, personalized service.
It’s about results. We’ve been fortunate to work on impactful public policy. Because of our clients' vision, we have been able to help:
Iowans participate in the election process with Election Day Voter Registration
Legalize fantasy sports and sports gaming in Iowa
Ensure amputees get insurance coverage for prosthetic devices
Ensure newborns are screened for congenital heart defects
Ensure solar energy is accessible and affordable for farmers, homeowners and businesses
Iowans enjoy smoke free environments in public places
It’s about expertise. Our bi-partisan lobbying team has decades of experience, bringing valuable insight to clients navigating the legislative process.
It’s about passion, commitment and service. We love what we do. We believe in our clients and their causes. And we know together, we’re making a difference every day. Making connections is the final piece of the story. Let us help you network by making introductions to key policymakers and hosting special events that provide strategic networking.
Contact us today to learn how we can help you meet your goals and download our one pager here.
We have a variety of experienced professionals waiting to advance your interests.
We've worked with high- profile clients and advocated for the little guys. See our impact.